2022: My Retrospection

2022: My Retrospection

When it comes to putting my business out there, I am always shy and sceptical because I prefer being behind the scene but I feel this year, I needed to document the highlights of what has happened in my life and career as a whole, so lets get it.


I finished my Master's in Software Engineering at the University of Hertfordshire with the best academic result. It was a two-year program that was tasking, I juggled schooling with work and I didn't have a social life for someone that likes the finest things in life. To think after all the effort I put in not to fail, I didn't want to attend my graduation until my mum and friends spoke sense into my head. I got to the venue and low and behold, I saw my name on the ceremony pamphlet for a University Award, I felt all sorts of emotions because it was totally unexpected. I thank God I went as it was a really special moment for me.


One of my goals this year was to get a job that will offer me sponsorship and I thought I was going to achieve that goal as soon as January but I got disappointed not knowing God had a better plan. I got a job that has done exactly what I wrote down on my list and I couldn't be more grateful to God for his favour and grace over my life.

Lagos on a budget

In 2020, I co-founded lagosonabudget, a social community that aims to highlight Life and Living in Lagos and all that it comes with. We achieve this through conversations, guides, and curated experiences around content, events, food, restaurants, tourism, and the lifestyle of Lagos living. This year has been the best year for us. We hit all our goals before the end of the year which felt so surreal and also did stuff we didn't think we could achieve yet. I'm grateful to my friends for their constant support, the team and our community. No doubt, next year will be better.

Learning and Development

One thing about me is I struggle a lot with imposter syndrome. This year, I think I have managed this thought well. I did a lot of learning, I had to know NestJs, Prisma, PostgreSql and GraphQL at some point for the previous company I was working at and now I have been working and learning Java Spring and Springboot, as well as some patterns that we use at work. I couldn't write more than one article this year, welp. We go again next year.


I don't count myself as religious but I believe in God. This year my relationship with God got better. One takeaway from me is that I now tell God let your will be done a lot because no matter what we pray for, if that's not his will, he won't do it and you have to accept it, God always has a plan and its never a negative one, so I will always trust him. You can listen to my worship and prayer playlist too.

2022 Retro of Retros

The first half of this year was tough for me but I kept believing my year will end well then God decided to show off, he showed off every month from July till December. I am genuinely grateful for this year, I believe this year just marked the beginning of my life properly. I saw my finance increase by a lot and that felt good. I didn't travel this year except to Nigeria because I needed to sort my life out but next year, I will try to travel. The major blooper this year was losing my Grandma, which still hurts but I thank God for her life. I also found love this year, who would have thought :)

What about 2023?

I'm pumped for the new year and at the same time, I won't put a lot of pressure on myself, I will work hard, trust God and try to stay healthy and travel. I am ready, lets get it!